Hitting the Books: EADS Summer School on Hashing

Rob, Matt, and I just wrapped up our trip to Copenhagen for the EADS Summer School on Hashing at the University of Copenhagen and it was a blast! The lineup of speakers was, simply put, unbeatable: Rasmus Pagh, Graham Cormode, Michael Mitzenmacher, Mikkel Thorup, Alex Andoni, Haim Kaplan, John Langford, and Suresh Venkatasubramanian. There’s a good chance that any paper you’ve read on hashing, sketching, or streaming has one of them as a co-author or is heavily influenced by their work. The format was three hour-and-a-half lectures for four days, with exercises presented at the end of each lecture. (Slides can be found here. They might also post videos. UPDATE: They’ve posted videos!)

Despite the depth of the material, almost all of it was approachable with some experience in undergraduate math and computer science. We would strongly recommend both of Michael Mitzenmacher’s talks (1, 2) for an excellent overview of Bloom Filters and Cuckoo hashing that are, in my opinion, significantly better and more in depth than any other out there. Specifically, the Bloom Filter talk presents very elegantly the continuum of Bloom Filter to Counting Bloom Filter to Count-Min Sketch (with “conservative update”) to the Stragglers Problem and Invertible Bloom Filters to, finally, extremely recent work called Odd Sketches.

Similarly, Mikkel Thorup’s two talks on hashing (1, 2) do a very thorough job of examining the hows and whys of integer hashing, all the way from the simplest multiply-mod-prime schemes all the way to modern work on tabulation hashing. And if you haven’t heard of tabulation hashing, and specifically twisted tabulation hashing, get on that because (1) it’s amazing that it doesn’t produce trash given how simple it is, (2) it’s unbelievably fast, and (3) it has been proven to provide the guarantees required for almost all of the interesting topics we’ve discussed on the blog in the past: Bloom Filters, Count-Min sketch, HyperLogLog, chaining/linear-probing/cuckoo hash tables, and so on. We really appreciated how much attention Mikkel devoted to practicality of implementation and to empirical performance when discussing hashing algorithms. It warms our heart to hear a leading academic in this field tout the number of nanoseconds it takes to hash an item as vocally as the elegance of the proof behind it!

We love this “Summer School” format because it delivers the accumulated didactic insight of the field’s top researchers and educators to both old techniques and brand new ones. (And we hope by now that everyone reading our blog appreciates how obsessed we are with teaching and clarifying interesting algorithms and data structures!) Usually most of this insight (into origins, creative process, stumbling blocks, intermediate results, inspiration, etc.) only comes out in conversation or lectures, and even worse is withheld or elided at publishing time for the sake of “clarity” or “elegance”, which is a baffling rationale given how useful these “notes in the margin” have been to us. The longer format of the lectures really allowed for useful “digressions” into the history or inspiration for topics or proofs, which is a huge contrast to the 10-minute presentations given at a conference like SODA. (Yes, obviously the objective of SODA is to show a much greater breadth of work, but it really makes it hard to explain or digest the context of new work.)

In much the same way, the length of the program really gave us the opportunity to have great conversations with the speakers and attendees between sessions and over dinner. We can’t emphasize this enough: if your ambition to is implement and understand cutting edge algorithms and data structures then the best bang for your buck is to get out there and meet the researchers in person. We’re incredibly lucky to call most of the speakers our friends and to regularly trade notes and get pointers to new research. They have helped us time and again when we’ve been baffled by inconsistent terminology or had a hunch that two pieces of research were “basically saying the same thing”. Unsurprisingly, they are also the best group of people to talk to when it comes to understanding how to foster a culture of successful research. For instance, Mikkel has a great article on how to systematically encourage and reward research article that appears in the March 2013 issue of CACM (pay-wall’d). Also worthwhile is his guest post on Bertrand Meyer’s blog.

If Mikkel decides to host another one of these, we cannot recommend attending enough. (Did we mention it was free?!) Thanks again Mikkel, Rasmus, Graham, Alex, Michael, Haim, and John for organizing such a great program and lecturing so eloquently!

Open Source Release: js-murmur3-128

As you can imagine from of all of our blog posts about hashing that we hash a lot of things. While the various hashing algorithms may be well-defined, the devil is always in the details especially when working with multiple languages that have different ways of representing numbers. We’re happy to announce the open-source release of AK’s 128bit Murmur3 implementation for JavaScript, js-murmur3-128. We are releasing this code under the Apache License, Version 2.0 matching our other open source offerings.


The goal of the implementation is to produce a hash value that is equivalent to the C++ and Java (Guava) versions for the same input and it must be usable in the browser. (Full disclosure: we’re still working through some signed/unsigned issues between the C++ and Java/JavaScript versions. The Java and JavaScript versions match exactly.)


Java (Guava):

final int seed = 0;
final byte[] bytes = { (byte)0xDE, (byte)0xAD, (byte)0xBE, (byte)0xEF,
                       (byte)0xFE, (byte)0xED, (byte)0xFA, (byte)0xCE };
com.google.common.hash.HashFunction hashFunction = com.google.common.hash.Hashing.murmur3_128(seed);
com.google.common.hash.HashCode hashCode = hashFunction.newHasher()


var seed = 0;
var rawKey = new ArrayBuffer(8);
    var byteView = new Int8Array(rawKey);
        byteView[0] = 0xDE; byteView[1] = 0xAD; byteView[2] = 0xBE; byteView[3] = 0xEF;
        byteView[4] = 0xFE; byteView[5] = 0xED; byteView[6] = 0xFA; byteView[7] = 0xCE;
console.log(murmur3.hash128(rawKey, seed));

HyperLogLog++: Google’s Take On Engineering HLL

Matt Abrams recently pointed me to Google’s excellent paper “HyperLogLog in Practice: Algorithmic Engineering of a State of The Art Cardinality Estimation Algorithm” [UPDATE: changed the link to the paper version without typos] and I thought I’d share my take on it and explain a few points that I had trouble getting through the first time. The paper offers a few interesting improvements that are worth noting:

  1. Move to a 64-bit hash function
  2. A new small-cardinality estimation regime
  3. A sparse representation

I’ll take a look at these one at a time and share our experience with similar optimizations we’ve developed for a streaming (low latency, high throughput) environment.

32-bit vs. 64-bit hash function

I’ll motivate the move to a 64-bit hash function in the context of the original paper a bit more since the Google paper doesn’t really cover it except to note that they wanted to count billions of distinct values.

Some math

In the original HLL paper, a 32-bit hash function is required with the caveat that measuring cardinalities in the hundreds of millions or billions would become problematic because of hash collisions. Specifically, Flajolet et al. propose a “large range correction” for when the estimate E is greater than 2^{32}/30.  In this regime, they replace the usual HLL estimate by the estimate

\displaystyle E^* := -2^{32} \mbox{log}\Big(1 - \frac{E}{2^{32}}\Big).

This reduces to a simple probabilistic argument that can be modeled with balls being dropped into bins. Say we have an L-bit hash. Each distinct value is a ball and each bin is designated by a value in the hash space.  Hence, you “randomly” drop a ball into a bin if the hashed value of the ball corresponds to the hash value attached to the bin.  Then, if we get an estimate E for the cardinality, that means that (approximately) E of our bins have values in them, and so there are 2^L - E empty bins.  The number of empty bins should be about 2^L e^{ - n/2^{L} }, where n is the number of balls.  Hence 2^{L} - E = 2^{L} e^{-n/2^{L}}.  Solving this gives us the formula he recommends using: -2^L \log(1 - \frac{E}{2^{L}}).

Aside:  The empty bins expected value comes from the fact that

E(\# \text{ of empty bins}) = m(1 - \frac{1}{m})^{n},

where m is the number of bins and n the number of balls.  This is pretty quick to show by induction.  Hence,

\displaystyle E(\#\text{ of empty bins}) \sim m e^{-n/m} as n \rightarrow \infty.

Again, the general idea is that the E ends up being some number smaller than n because some of the balls are getting hashed to the same value.  The correction essentially doesn’t do anything in the case when E is small compared to 2^L as you can see here. (Plotted is -\log(1 - x), where x represents E / 2^L, against the line y = x. The difference between the two graphs represents the difference between E and n.)

A solution and a rebuttal

The natural move to start estimating cardinalities in the billions is to simply move to a larger hash space where the hash collision probability becomes negligibly small. This is fairly straightforward since most good hash functions give you at least 64-bits of entropy these days and it’s also the size of a machine word. There’s really no downside to moving to the larger hash space, from an engineering perspective. However, the Google researchers go one step further: they increase the register width by one bit (to 6), as well, ostensibly to be able to support the higher possible register values in the 64-bit setting. I contend this is unnecessary. If we look at the distribution of register values for a given cardinality, we see that it takes about a trillion elements before a 5-bit register overflows (at the black line):


The distributions above come from the LogLog paper, on page 611, right before formula 2. Look for \mathbb{P}_{\nu}(M = k).

Consider the setting in the paper where p = \log_2(m) = 14. Let’s says we wanted to safely count into the 100 billion range. If we have L = p + (2^5 - 1) = 14 + 31 = 45 then our new “large range correction” boundary is roughly one trillion, per the adapted formula above. As you can see from the graph below, even at p = 10, L = 41 the large range correction only kicks in at a little under 100 billion!


The black line is the cutoff for a 5-bit register, and the points are plotted when the total number of hash bits required reaches 40, 50, and 60.

The real question though is all this practically useful? I would argue no: there are no internet phenomena that I know of that are producing more than tens of billions of distinct values, and there’s not even a practical way of empirically testing the accuracy of HLL at cardinalities above 100 billion. (Assuming you could insert 50 million unique, random hashed values per second, it would take half an hour to fill an HLL to 100 billion elements, and then you’d have to repeat that 5000 times as they do in the paper for a grand total of 4 months of compute time per cardinality in the range.)

[UPDATE: After talking with Marc Nunkesser (one of the authors) it seems that Google may have a legitimate need for both the 100 billion to trillion range right now, and even more later, so I retract my statement! For the rest of us mere mortals, maybe this section will be useful for picking whether or not you need five or six bits.]

At AK we’ve run a few hundred test runs at 1, 1.5, and 2 billion distinct values under the p = 10-14, L = 41-45 configuration range and found the relative error to be identical to that of lower cardinalities (in the millions of DVs). There’s really no reason to inflate the storage requirements for large cardinality HLLs by 20% simply because the hash space has expanded. Furthermore, you can do all kinds of simple tricks like storing an offset as metadata (which would only require at most 5 bits) for a whole HLL and storing the register values as the difference from that base offset, in order to make use of a larger hash space.

Small Cardinality Estimation

Simply put, the paper introduces a second small range correction between the existing one (linear counting) and the “normal” harmonic mean estimator (E in the original paper) in order to eliminate the “large” jump in relative error around the boundary between the two estimators.

They empirically calculate the bias of E and create a lookup table for various p, for 200 values less than 5 \cdot 2^p with a correction to the overestimate of E. They interpolate between the 200 reference points to determine the correction to apply for any given raw E value. Their plots give compelling evidence that this bias correction makes a difference in the m to 5m cardinality range (cuts 95th percentile relative error from about 2% to 1.2%).

I’ve been a bit terse about this improvement since sadly it doesn’t help us at AK much because most of our data is Zipfian. Few of our reporting keys live in the narrow cardinality range they are optimizing: they either wallow in the linear counting range or shoot straight up into the normal estimator range.

Nonetheless, if you find you’re doing a lot of DV counting in this range, these corrections are pretty cheap to implement (as they’ve provided numerical values for all the cutoffs and bias corrections in the appendix.)

Sparse representation

The general theme of this optimization isn’t particularly new (our friends at MetaMarkets mentioned it in this post): for smaller cardinality HLLs there’s no need to materialize all the registers. You can get away with just materializing the set registers in a map. The paper proposes a sorted map (by register index) with a hash map off the side to allow for fast insertions. Once the hash map reaches a certain size, its entries are batch-merged into the sorted list, and once the sorted list reaches the size of the materialized HLL, the whole thing is converted to the fully-materialized representation.

Aside: Though the hash map is a clever optimization, you could skip it if you didn’t want the added complexity. We’ve found that the simple sorted list version is extremely fast (hundreds of thousands of inserts per second). Also beware the variability of the the batched sort-and-merge cost every time the hash map repeatedly outgrows its limits and has to be merged into the sorted list. This can add significant latency spikes to a streaming system, whereas a one-by-one insertion sort to a sorted list will be slower but less variable.

The next bit is very clever: they increase p when the HLL is in the sparse representation because of the saved space. Since they’re already storing entries in 32-bit integers, they increase p to p^{\prime} = 31 - \mbox{regWidth} = 31 - 6 = 25. (I’ll get to the leftover bit in a second!) This gives them increased precision which they can simply “fold” down when converting from the sparse to fully materialized representation. Even more clever is their trick of not having to always store the full register value as the value of an entry in the map. Instead, if the longer register index encodes enough bits to determine the value, they use the leftover bit I mentioned before to signal as much.

HLL++ sparse encoding explanation

In the diagram, p and p^{\prime} are as in the Google paper, and q and q^{\prime} are the number of bits that need to be examined to determine \rho for either the p or p^{\prime} regime. I encourage you to read section 5.3.3 as well as EncodeHash and DecodeHash in Figure 8 to see the whole thing. [UPDATE: removed the typo section as it has been fixed in the most recent version of the paper (linked at the top)]

The paper also tacks on a difference encoding (which works very well because it’s a sorted list) and a variable length encoding to the sparse representation to further shrink the storage needed, so that the HLL can use the increased register count, p^{\prime}, for longer before reverting to the fully materialized representation at p. There’s not much to say about it because it seems to work very well, based on their plots, but I’ll note that in no way is that type of encoding suitable for streaming or “real-time” applications. The encode/decode overhead simply takes an already slow (relative to the fully materialized representation) sparse format and adds more CPU overhead.


The researchers at Google have done a great job with this paper, meaningfully tackling some hard engineering problems and showing some real cleverness. Most of the optimizations proposed work very well in a database context, where the HLLs are either being used as temporary aggregators or are being stored as read-only data, however some of the optimizations aren’t suitable for streaming/”real-time” work. On a more personal note, it’s very refreshing to see real algorithmic engineering work being published from industry. Rob, Matt, and I just got back from New Orleans and SODA / ALENEX / ANALCO and were hoping to see more work in this area, and Google sure did deliver!


Sebastiano Vigna brought up the point that 6-bit registers are necessary for counting above 4 billion in the comments. I addressed it in the original post (see “A solution and a rebuttal“) but I’ll lay out the math in a bit more detail here to show that you can easily count above 4 billion with only 5-bit registers.

If you examine the original LogLog paper (the same as mentioned above) you’ll see that the register distribution for LogLog (and HyperLogLog consequently) registers is

\displaystyle \mathbb{P}_{\nu}(M > k) = 1 - \mathbb{P}_{\nu}(M \le k) = 1 - \Big(1 - \frac{1}{2^k}\Big)^{\nu}

where k is the register value and \nu is the number of (distinct) elements a register has seen.

So, I assert that 5 bits for a register (which allows the maximum value to be 31) is enough to count to ten billion without any special tricks. Let’s fix p=14 and say we insert 10^{10} distinct elements. That means, any given register will see about \frac{10^{10}}{2^p} = \frac{10^{10}}{2^{14}} = \approx 6.1 \times 10^5 elements assuming we have a decent hash function. So, the probability that a given register will have a value greater than 31 is (per the LogLog formula given above)

\displaystyle \mathbb{P}_{\nu}(M > 31) = 1 - \mathbb{P}_{\nu}(M \le 31) = 1 - \Big(1 - \frac{1}{2^{31}}\Big)^{6.1 \times 10^5} \approx 0.00028

and hence the expected number of registers that would overflow is approximately 2^{14} \times 0.00028 \approx 4.5. So five registers out of sixteen thousand would overflow. I am skeptical that this would meaningfully affect the cardinality computation. In fact, I ran a few tests to verify this and found that the average number of registers with values greater than 31 was 4.5 and the relative error had the same standard deviation as that predicted by the paper, 1.04/\sqrt{m}.

For argument, let’s assume that you find those five overflowed registers to be unacceptable. I argue that you could maintain an offset in 5 bits for the whole HLL that would allow you to still use 5 bit registers but exactly store the value of every register with extremely high probability. I claim that with overwhelmingly high probability, every register the HLL used above is greater than 15 and less than or equal to 40. Again, we can use the same distribution as above and we find that the probability of a given register being outside those bounds is

\mathbb{P}_{\nu}(M < 15) \approx 10^{-162} and

\mathbb{P}_{\nu}(M > 40) \approx 10^{-7}.

Effectively, there are no register values outside of [15,40]. Now I know that I can just store 15 in my offset and the true value minus the offset (which now fits in 5 bits) in the actual registers.

K-Minimum Values: Sketching Error, Hash Functions, and You


“All known efficient cardinality estimators rely on randomization, which is ensured by the use of hash functions.”
–Flajolet, et al

Recalling the KMV algorithm Matt presented in his last post, one will note that every stream element is passed to a hash function as part of the processing step. This is meant to transform the data being operated on from its native distribution into something uniformly distributed. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world, and since all of the algorithm’s analysis assumes that this hash function does its job well, we wanted to get some sense of how it behaves under less friendly conditions. The first half of this post will investigate the algorithm’s performance when we artificially introduce bias, and the second half will look at its behavior with a handful of real hash functions.

A Simple Error Model

The first hash function error model that came to mind is admittedly unrealistic and ham-fisted, but hopefully illustrative. Suppose you have a stream of fixed sized, an ideal hash function, and from these you produce a distinct value estimate using the KMV algorithm. Now suppose that for some unlucky reason, one bit from your hash function is stuck; it’s always a zero or a one, but the other 31 bits are free of this curse.

Biased hash schematic

There’s nothing to stop you from computing a distinct value estimate using this janky hash with KMV, but your intuition suggests that it shouldn’t be very good. We went through this exact process with various choices of k, using a random number generator to simulate a perfect hash function.

Before we look at the data, let’s think about what we should expect. From the perspective of KMV, it shouldn’t make a whole lot of difference if your kth smallest element is odd or even (for instance, in a case where the lowest order bit always/never set, respectively). It does, however, make a difference if you’re actually incapable of seeing values smaller than 231, which is what happens when the highest order bit is always set. Thus, in both the 0-biasing and 1-biasing cases, we should expect that higher order bits have a much more dramatic effect on error than lower order bits.

Error from setting bits in KMV

Notice how the performance degradation follows two different patterns. When we are fixing bits as ones, the observed error increases fairly smoothly, and tends to result in under estimates. In contrast, setting bits to zeros results in no change until the error increases producing catastrophic over estimates. Additionally, larger values of k have protective effects against these biases.

A Somewhat Less Simple Error Model

Now that we have some intuition for the problem, let’s get a little more subtle. Instead of always setting the nth bit as a 0 or 1, let’s add a probabilistic element. We’ll do the same experiment as before, except we will now fix the nth bit with probability p. Thus, when p = 0 we have a perfectly well behaved KMV, and when p = 1, we have the experiment we just finished discussing. In the following diagram, each tile represents the average error across several experiments in which a stream of 1,000,000 unique elements was fed to a KMV sketch (k = 1024) which was rigged to modify the nth bit with probability p.

Heatmap of KMV error

Many of the same lessons can be seen here — high order bits matter more, downward biasing degrades performance sharply, upward biasing degrades more smoothly. Additionally, as we’d expect, within a given bit, more bias means more error.

Send in the Hash Functions

All of the experiments to this point have involved using a random number generator instead of hashing real data. I think it’s time that we took a look at what happens when we drop in a few real hash functions with real data. For the following experiments, I’m using four 32-bit hashes — Murmur3, SDBM, Arash Partow’s hash, and one of the old Donald Knuth hashes. You may recall these from our series on choosing a good hash function (although 64-bit versions were used there). I chose four text corpuses:

  • Romeo and Juliet, stripped of all punctuation and converted to lower case (3794 words)
  • /usr/share/dict/words (99171 words)
  • 1,000,000 random 12 character long strings, each sharing the same suffix: “123456”
  • 1,000,000 random 12 character long strings, each sharing the same prefix: “123456”

Using formulas from this paper, we can compute the relative error that 99% of KMV estimates should theoretically fall within. This turns out to depend on k and the stream size.

To make these pictures, I chose random values of k within each hash/document pair at which I evaluate the cardinality estimate and compute the relative error. The lines are linear interpolations between sampled points and are shown solely for clarity. The y-axis scale is adjusted on a per-picture basis to best display the theoretical envelope within which we expect our errors to lie.

Now that we’ve gotten through all the necessary preamble, let’s take a look at the results!

KMV error for Romeo and Juliet

One picture in and we’ve already learned a lesson: choice of hash function seriously matters! SDBM and DEK cause the algorithm to perform well below its capabilities. DEK’s error is actually off the charts for most of this graph, which is why it does not appear until k > 3,000.

KMV error for /usr/bin/dict/words

On a bigger corpus with tighter theoretical error bounds, Murmur3 and AP are still doing quite well. Do note, however, that AP dips outside the envelope for a while at k = 70,000 or so.

KMV error for suffixKMV error for shared-prefix strings

With the random strings, SDBM performs much better than it did on English words. DEK, however, is still hopeless. It’s a little tough to see on these pictures, but at high k, AP starts to fall off the wagon, and even Murmur3 dips outside the envelope, though not beyond what we’d expect, statistically speaking. Honestly, I was hoping for some fireworks here, but they didn’t materialize. I was wondering if we might see some hashes break on one version of these strings, and do fine on the other due to the location of the varying key bits (high order/low order). Sadly, that didn’t happen, but a negative result is a result none the less.

To summarize these, I made the following table, which shows us the percentage of time that an one of the samples falls outside the theoretical envelope. In this view, Murmur3’s superiority is clear.

Romeo and Juliet 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 61.54%
10.76% 100.00% 0.00% 68.46%
Common Suffix 7.22% 99.11% 1.10% 0.27%
Common Prefix 3.33% 100.00% 0.22% 0.0001%


KMV is a very nice little algorithm that is incredibly simple to understand, implement, and use. That said, if you’re going to make use of it, you really do need to practice some due diligence when choosing your hash function. With packages like smhasher available, trying out multiple hash functions is a cinch, and a little legwork at the start of a project can save you from confusion and despair later on!

Choosing a Good Hash Function, Part 3

Author’s note: Part three of a series studying hash functions. My last post identified a few candidate algorithms that are subjected to further scrutiny here today.

The Story So Far

The simplest attribute on which one could imagine differentiating candidate hash functions is the number of collision produced when hashing a fixed pool of keys. By that standard, my last post identified Murmur3, Jenkins, City, Spooky, FNV1/1a, SDBM, AP, and RS as possible contenders. Today we’re going to see how they compare  to each other on some more rigorous tests.

Random Uniformity

A hash function ought to distribute its keys uniformly across its output range. To see how these functions stack up, we’ll put our 42 million unique keys through each hash function, bin the output, and compare the bin counts with expectation:

For bins of equal size, E[bini] = Number of items hashed/Number of bins

Now, uniformity is different from random uniformity. In general the latter is not always necessary for building a good hash table, but the analysis of some schemes assume it. For our purposes, we’re going to want our hashes to look like they are drawn from a random uniform distribution — simple uniformity won’t cut it for our applications. This means that when we look at our bin counts, we want them to be neither too smooth nor too lumpy. To quantify this concept, we’ll use a chi-squared test.

In volume II of TAOCP Donald Knuth provides a somewhat ad-hoc, but easy to understand method for interpreting the p-values calculated by a chi-squared test of randomness. If your p-value is less than 0.01 or greater than 0.99 the process that generated those results is almost certainly non-random. Something less than 0.05 or greater than 0.95 should be considered suspect. Finally, he designates a p-value of less than 0.1 or greater than 0.90 as “almost suspect”.

Here I’ve cut the whole 64 bit output space into 100 bins, and again in 1,000,000 bins. For a final test I modded out the bottom 20 bits, to check their distributions in isolation.

Hash Function 1 Million bins* Bottom 20 bits* 100 bins
AP  0.70  0.50  <0.01
City 0.07  0.29  0.46
FNV64-1  <0.01  >0.99  0.97
FNV64-1a  >0.99  >0.99  0.87
Jenkins  0.17  0.46  0.72
Murmur3  0.14  0.31  0.08
RS  >0.99  >0.99  0.23
SDBM  >0.99  >0.99  >0.99
Spooky  0.84  0.27  0.98

*p-values estimated from a standard normal distribution

Jenkins passes all three of these nicely. City and Murmur each come up “almost suspect” once, and Spooky shows some suspicious behavior in the 100 bin test. I put the heaviest weight on the bottom 20 bit test, and can pretty comfortably give these four functions a pass here. AP does dramatically better at higher bin counts, which is interesting. We can pretty solidly eliminate RS, SDBM, AP, and both FNV variants based on this analysis alone.

As a final note, hash functions are not meant to be RNGs! This test holds them to a very rigid standard that is not generally necessary to build a good hash table. It’s just that in our specific application, we’re going to want our hash values to be somewhat random looking.

Using Keyspace Structure

Before I continue, let me explain a little bit more of the structure of the data I am working with. I have 251 namespaces, each of which has a variable number of 192 and 256 bit keys associated with it. All told I have in the neighborhood of 66 million datapoints of the form (namespace, key). Only the key portion of these tuples actually gets hashed, however. Up until this point, we have been ignoring the namespace attribute of these data points, and thus have been restricted to looking at the 42 million unique (key, hash(key)) pairs. Let’s see if we can exploit larger set of data by including the namespaces!

In the chi-squared analysis above, we did our binning over the union of all namespaces. Now let’s individually bin the hash values of each namespace. All said and done, we have 251 namespaces ranging in size from a tiny handful to several million elements. This gives us 251 vectors of size 100, with

V{n,i} = Number of items of namespace n hashed to the i-th bin

For each namespace, we can compute the mean and variance of its count vector. I’ll leave it as an exercise to the reader, but it’s a pretty simple calculation to show that if you sample from a random uniform distribution, the variance of such a bin-count vector should equal its mean. If the variance is lower than the mean, it implies that the distribution is flatter than expected. On the contrary, if the variance is higher, it implies the existence of hot-spots on the range that are getting more than their fair share of data points hashed there.

Enough with the words, let’s look at the graphs! To generate these, I took the subset of namespaces that had at least 100,000 elements, of which there are 83. Each point is a namespace, and the green line shows the theoretical variance = mean relationship we’d expect from binning a random uniform distribution. Finally, I ran a Bonferroni corrected chi-squared test within each namespace. Those that come out “almost suspect” or worse are highlighted in red.

You can think of these namespaces as small experiments. Together, they help give us a picture of what the chi-squared test done on the whole dataset tells us.

A few observations:

  • Under the 100 bin chi-squared test, SDBM was flagged as being way too uniformly distributed. We can see that quite clearly here. Generally, the variance of the bin counts is quite a bit lower than the mean bin count.
  • On the other hand, AP has a comparatively high variance. This translates, again, to some bins being overly “favored” by the hash function.
  • These pictures also give us some idea of how noisy the functions are on a namespace by namespace basis. Compare Spooky and Murmur3. The residuals for all of the namespaces are quite low, and basically equal for Spooky, whereas Murmur3’s residuals show a lot more variability.

So far we’ve been taking our input sets as a given, and examining the statistical properties of the outputs. While powerful, we need not limit ourselves to these techniques. Onward to avalanche!

Avalanche Analysis

A common test of hash function performance is whether or not it achieves “avalanche.” This refers to the desireable characteristic that

P(Output bit i changes | Input bit j changes) = 0.5 for all i, j

Basically, if we keep all of the input bits the same, save for exactly 1 which we flip, we’d hope that each of our hash function’s output bits changes with probability 1/2.

I generated the following avalanche diagrams by using a random sample of 4000 keys (2000 of each type). The x-axis is the input key bit, the y axis is the output hash bit, and the color of the (x,y) tile is a measure of the bias that I/O pair has. Black indicates the desired 50% flip-probability, bright green indicates that the output bit is “stuck” and, certeris paribus, it doesn’t ever vary as a result of flipping just that input bit.

Avalanche Diagram

This test absolutely wrecks AP, SDBM, both FNV twins, and RS. Jenkins has some poor mixing in its upper bits, but that is mentioned in the implementation. It’s very small, but a slight bias can be observed in City’s lowest bits on the Creative keys. Murmur3 and Spooky are the only two functions left unscathed by this test. Given some of our algorithmic needs, this is a very slight knock against both Jenkins and City.


After all of this, Murmur3, Jenkins, City, and Spooky are the only functions that I’m really pleased with for our work. I’ll give a slight edge to Murmur3 and City over Jenkins due to the avalanche results, and City’s incredible speed. Spooky’s performance here is notable, but I’m a little uneasy putting it forward as a candidate for use in production, as it is still in beta. I’ll be keeping my eye on it. Based on these results it shows a lot of promise!

The next logical step is to plug some of these in to Timon’s work, and see how they serve as the keystone of our hash table!

Choosing a Good Hash Function, Part 2

Author’s note: Part two of a series in which I investigate the performance of a menagerie of hash functions on our data. In today’s episode the analysis begins in earnest with an investigation of collision rates.

Hash function designers have many tools at their disposal, but at their heart, most algorithms follow the same pattern: bytewise iteration over a key during which some internal state is mixed up with the key bits via some combination of ANDs, ORs, XORs, ADDs, shifts, magic numbers, modular arithmetic, and similar tools. As an example, consider the famous FNV hash function, which is astoundingly simple in its construction:

uint64_t fnv1_hash (void *key, int n_bytes)
    unsigned char *p = key;
    uint64_t h = 14695981039346656037;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < n_bytes; i++) {
        h = (h * 1099511628211) ^ p[i];
    return h;

With all hash functions, the hope is that one may sufficiently mix up the input bits such that, on average, the output is uniformly distributed across its available range. If you think that designing such an algorithm sounds tricky, you’re right!

Over the years many hash functions have been developed that vary widely in quality and complexity. There are many that, despite some demonstrable theoretical flaws, have worked well in enough practical applications to have gained popularity. Other algorithms have been designed from the ground up to achieve a variety of theoretical benchmarks. To get started with this project, I spent some time looking around and came up with a list of 16 reasonably well-known functions that run a pretty wide breadth of quality from negative control to veteran. I started with the simplest test imaginable: I have ~42 million keys available, each of which are either 192 or 256 bits long. Given my entire available set of keys, what fraction can be hashed without collision?

Fraction of keys hashed without collision

A few notes about this graph:

  • All hashes are 64 bits.
  • Hashing is hard. Many of these functions do quite poorly compared to sampling from a random uniform distribution. The theoretical expectation here is that 0 keys should collide.
  • It looks like there is a significant hurdle at ~85% of the keys.
  • Although hard to see on this chart, OAT (Bob Jenkins’ less popular one-at-a-time hash) came in just under 100%. While this is a standout performance in comparison to most of the functions tested, it is still below what is expected by theory.
  • Unsurprisingly, Murmur3 and Jenkins eat this data set for lunch. They are carefully designed to work well on a broad variety of inputs, thoroughly tested, and I would have been shocked to see them fail here. They are matched by Google’s City Hash, Spooky Hash (Jenkins’ most recent project, which is still under development), FNV-1/1a, SDBM hash (also known as x65599), RS (Arash Partow‘s version of a hash function designed by Robert Sedgewick), another function of Partow’s own creation.

We’re by no means done here — we’ve simply thinned our list to a few algorithms that merit deeper exploration. The challenge now becomes distinguishing our high performers, and for that we’ll need tools a little bit more sophisticated than simple collision counts. Bring your statistics thinking cap to part 3!

Appendix: Further Reading

  • Unsurprisingly, Donald Knuth’s chapter from The Art of Computer Programming, Volume III: Sorting and Searching is an excellent piece.
  • Bob Jenkins wrote a great article in Dr. Dobb’s back in 1997 that is also a great starting place.
  • More generally, Jenkins’ own website is a treasure trove of material on the subject of hashing
  • There’s a lot of material about FNV to be had here.
  • And let’s not leave out Murmur Hash and City Hash.

Choosing a Good Hash Function, Part 1

Author’s note: Hello, reader! I’m Colin, a new data scientist on the team. This is the first in a series of posts in which I will be describing my efforts to characterize various hash functions for use here at AK. Future posts will discuss the statistical and computational properties exhibited by these algorithms on our data. Additionally, I will be tackling the problem of  trying to use the data that we have available to uncover potentially pathological input sets.

At AK, every event that we track is encoded as an n-tuple of 64-bit integers:

key component #1, key component #2, … , key component #n

This is a convenient form for summary and analysis, but obviously not optimal from a storage perspective. Internet advertising is no stranger to large numbers, but 264n is enormous. The set of keys that we will draw from this theoretical universe of keys is comparatively quite small. We find ourselves posed with a problem that looks very much like a natural fit for hashing!

A well chosen hash function, operating at the heart of solidly designed hash table could allow us a big win on both the internal storage/representation front, as well as in wild, freeing up space in client cookies, etc.

Paraphrasing Knuth, one should not choose a random hash function to generate a good hash table. As with any hashing task, there are the three classical issues to consider:

  • The size of the hash in terms of the number of bits of output needed to hit your collision (two distinct keys hashing to the same value) goals and remain within your storage constraints
  • The distributions of hashes on your input data, and the related problem of collisions
  • Computation time

Over the next several posts, I will be putting a number of hash functions through the wringer in an effort to identify a handful that perform well on our data.

Big Memory, Part 3

Author’s Note: This is part 3 of a series of posts about my adventures in building a “large”, in-memory hash table. Part 1 introduced our goals and our approach to the task at hand. This post is a summary of some candidate hash table “services”.


To recap, I need a hash table that can support the following:

  • 1.5 billion 64-bit keys, uniformly and randomly distributed
  • values between 16 bytes and 16 kilobytes, with sizes in a Zipfian distribution
  • deployed to one machine, all in-memory
  • sustained 200,000 writes per second over the course of many hours

The API should support a non-bulk, mutable, key-value interface with an append command.

The final requirement is that the source be obtainable. After all, this is just as much about finding a viable candidate as understanding how the results are achieved.

My approach to testing the initial viability of candidates was to replicate a subset of the required production load using some of our production logs. The test amounted to writing 212 million records to a bit over 78 million unique keys. Each record’s key is 8 bytes and its value 16 bytes. The value bytes are simply appended to the existing value corresponding to the key. This closely mimics our real write workload for the project.

Note that throughput and latency are the primary concerns here: we seek a consistently high write rate. Memory overhead, at this stage, is not under scrutiny. (This may strike some as odd, given the hard bounds on a single machine’s memory, but honestly the raw data set we’re seeking to store is easily within the bounds of the servers I described in my previous post. As long as nothing absurd is going on, we can afford to trade some memory for speed.)


Given the API requirements, the candidates that immediately came to mind were:

  • Berkeley DB
  • Kyoto Cabinet
  • Redis
  • Memcached

Note that the scope here is restricted to hash table “services”, not hash table libraries. Specifically, I don’t want to manage memory, rehashing, growing, or shrinking. I’ll be covering libraries in the next post.

Under the hood these all use slightly different hashing and collision resolution schemes.

Berkeley DB uses an implementation of Litwin’s Extended Linear Hashing. In particular, it implements linear hashing using a hybrid split control: bucket overflow and load factor independently trigger splits. (Look for ffactor and do_expand in hash_page.c’s __ham_add_el().) Notably, BDB chains memory pages, not object pointers. This is a sensible optimization in a world where main memory is small and disk seeks are costly. However, the cost in code complexity is immense. For an idea of just how much attention to detail is required, download BDB’s source and check out hash_page.c’s __ham_replpair() and __ham_add_el(). It is fascinating to see how much work goes into managing the differences between small and large values. [1]

Kyoto Cabinet “boringly” uses the C++ stdlib’s std::unordered_map. I had trouble finding implementations other than GCC’s, so I can’t really speak to anything but that. The tr1/hashtable implementation uses chaining, with a prime bucket count and a max-load-factor-based rehashing policy. When the ratio of elements to buckets passes a certain threshold (1, I believe), a full stop-the-world rehash is performed. (_M_rehash() on line 1146) The resizing policy finds the smallest prime greater than twice the current number of buckets, and the table is resized. (_M_need_rehash() on line 455) The prime policy default can be seen here.

Redis implements its own hash table that uses chaining as well with a target load factor of 1. Interestingly, it rehashes the keys incrementally in the background, pushing updates to a new table while checking both the old and new tables for reads. The incremental work is spread over all subsequent reads and writes issued to the table. This is perhaps the easiest of the four implementations to fully understand on the first read.

Similar to BDB, memcached implements linear hashing, but it chains object pointers, not memory pages. It uses what the paper calls “load control[led]” splits, meaning that incremental rehashing occurs when the load factor exceeds a certain value. (In this case, 3/2.) Unlike Redis, it does the rehashing in an another thread in the background, not as a part of the read or write operations. assoc.c very nicely illustrates the gist of linear hashing with controlled splits; check out assoc_find() and assoc_insert(). Beware, assoc_expand() just sets up some state to signal incremental rehashing. The real guts of the rehashing is in assoc_maintenance_thread(). It is notable how much simpler the code for object-pointer chaining is than the page chaining used in BDB.

Ease of Use

Note: I’m talking specifically about ease of use from a developer perspective. I’m not qualified or interested in commenting on their operational merits here.

Without a doubt, the easiest candidate to set up, use, and analyze was Redis. Between the trivial build from source, the simplicity of the Jedis API, and the visibility provided by the INFO command, using Redis was a walk in the park. The redis.conf file has a lot of knobs but most of them can safely be ignored and the inline documentation is ample.

Kyoto Cabinet came in a close second. I forgot to set $JAVA_HOME before installing the Java bindings, which caused me some grief, but once I figured that bit out everything was right as rain. Instantiating and using it were painless if somewhat sparsely documented.

Memcached was actually a pain to use, not because of the daemon itself, but because of the client libraries available in Java. The fact that the append command required a CAS value in some clients and not in others was the main culprit. One qualm with the daemon itself is that an append command only succeeds if used on an existing key.

Finally, BDB was by far the most frustrating candidate. The configuration is arcane and poorly documented. The errors are undescriptive and often cryptic. Setting the proper combination of permissions for a client is exceedingly difficult unless you peruse the documentation with a very keen eye. The distinctions made between what configuration should be done on the EnvironmentConfig versus the DatabaseConfig is unclear and poorly documented. Despite specifying an in-memory hash database, a home directory for BDB is still required, even though it never touches it. One has to manually initialize the memory subsystem. Blah! Maybe I’m just uninitiated, but I don’t think I’ve ever been more frustrated with a piece of software. To boot, only the Heap, Queue, and Recno access methods support append puts, leaving me to manually do a get/append/put in the client. Even if BDB is fast enough, there’s absolutely no chance I’ll use it in production due to these limitations.


I’ll briefly note that memcached was so slow that it didn’t complete the test suite in the two days I left it running. As such, I’ve removed it entirely from this comparison. I was probably doing something wrong vis-a-vis configuration of the client and server. Similarly, a simple un-pipelined Redis connection proved to be incredibly slow, at least an order of magnitude slower than BDB. As such, I reran the original Redis test with a pipelined connection, flushing every 10,000 records. Both versions of the test are included in the source for posterity.

These plots come from 30 runs over the data set, preceded by 10 warmup runs. The hash marks are the average value of the number of records processed per second at the particular record count, and the points are the actual observations with 10% alpha.

The first plot includes a baseline processing rate (‘xfer’ in the legend) which indicates how quickly the records can be read and prepared. The second simply excludes the baseline, for a clearer view. You can click through for larger versions of the plots.

You can find the source code used to run these comparisons on GitHub.

Notable bits

  • Despite the drastically different algorithms used by BDB and KC, their results were roughly equivalent. KC’s performance proved to be slightly smoother, and seems to have reached a stable point at around 170 million records while BDB continued to degrade. A concern is that they were the only two packages that were used through JNI. This may have limited performance, but I am disinclined to investigate further as we use the JVM in production which necessitates this cost when interacting with these services. That said, tr1/hashtable’s underlying algorithm is still quite attractive. It performed smoother despite not having a hint about the number of unique keys while BDB did.
  • Though Redis’ throughput proved to be about 50% greater than KC and BDB, the precipitous drops during (what I assume is) resizing are extremely worrisome. (I’m guessing it’s resizing since the distance between drop-offs roughly doubles each time.) The performance drop off just doesn’t jive with the goal of continuously high throughput. Equally worrying is the cost of at least doubling memory use during rehashing. Even though I mentioned this is a secondary concern in this comparison, it is an important operational problem.
  • The performance difference between tr1/hashtable (KC) and Redis is marked, given they both use chaining. I suspect this is either a result of pipelining or JNI overhead. The purpose of adding the pipelined version of the Redis test was to emulate a scenario where issuing commands did not carry network and serialization overhead. Perhaps it optimized Redis access unfairly by instead emulating a bulk command API as opposed to just mitigating protocol overhead.


It seems that the overhead of a general-purpose hash table “service” makes these options unsuitable for my needs. I’m honestly not sure whether it’s the broad feature sets, the JNI bridge, or the serialization/deserialization overhead of having a network server on top of the hash table, and as a practical matter I won’t pursue any further. All three problems can be circumvented by using a Java-resident hash table, so that is where we’ll go in the next post. -Xmx128g here we come!


[1] Per the Berkeley DB license I am including a link to Oracle’s site where one can find the full source of the database.

Big Memory, Part 2

Author’s Note: This is part 2 of a series of posts about my adventures in building a “large”, in-memory hash table. Part 1 introduced our goals and our approach to the task at hand. This post is a summary of some of the research I’ve done to familiarize myself with the problem.


Our current approach to custom attribution models is very simple: pay Amazon thousands of dollars a month and “do it in the cloud” with Elastic MapReduce. In Hadoop, we partition the data by user, sort by time, identify their conversion events, and run an attribution model on these conversion-terminated “chains” of events. This is both costly and more cumbersome than we’d like.

A faster, cheaper, and arguably more transparent approach might be to pipe the live events to a service that could buffer and assemble these chains in memory and output “completed” chains (when a conversion event arrived) to a separate service to do the model computation.

We’ve come to the conclusion that a large in-memory hash table could be suitable to the task. Our specifications for said hash table are:

  • 1.5 billion 64-bit keys, uniformly and randomly distributed
  • values between 16 bytes and 16 kilobytes
  • deployed to one machine, all in-memory
  • sustained 200,000 updates per second over the course of a 14-hour “internet day”

Before jumping into building one of these, I thought I’d learn a bit about hash tables themselves.

The Research

Naturally, my research began with Wikipedia. The article on hash tables is a fairly comprehensive overview. From there, I read handful of papers and articles to dig a little deeper. Below are a selection that helped me immensely.

Dynamic Hashing

  • Fagin’s Extendible Hashing – A Fast Access Method for Dynamic Files

    One of those seminal IBM papers that everyone seems to reference. It provides some interesting historical context for the introduction of dynamic hashing. The central thesis is an insight as impressive now as it was then: by separating the hash space from the storage addressing space, a hash table can be made incrementally extendible.

  • Seltzer and Yigit’s A New Hashing Package for UNIX

    An older overview of hashing algorithms for use in and out of main memory. Includes exquisite insight into the implementation concerns the authors took into account while building a general hashing library for UNIX.

  • Rathi, Lu, and Hedrick’s Performance Comparison of Extendible Hashing And Linear Hashing Techniques

    An old but very useful comparison of linear and extendible hashing that demonstrates certain periodic performance characteristics that may make one or the other unsuitable for your application.

  • Baeza-Yates and Soza-Pollman’s Analysis of Linear Hashing Revisited

    A theoretical analysis of different overflow control functions in linear hashing. Lots of math, but very clearly demonstrates the differences between global versus local overflow resolution functions and the impact of page sizes.

Hash Functions

  • Jenkins Hash

    A solid general-purpose hash whose source and documentation are a masterwork of explication and thoroughness.

  • (Minimal) Perfect Hashing: some theory, some practice

    For when you have all of your keys ahead of time and want 100% occupancy.

Collision Resolution

  • Pagh and Rodler‘s Cuckoo Hashing

    The original cuckoo hashing paper that compares cuckoo hashing against chaining methods and linear probing. Includes a nice section at the end recapping earlier hashing schemes and their historical context.

  • Erlingsson, Manasse, and McSherry’s A Cool and Practical Alternative to Hash Tables

    They present an empirical analysis of parametrized cuckoo hashing (in number of hash functions and bucket size). There’s an interesting bit at the end discussing dynamic expansion by adding bins and/or new hash functions.

  • Lehman and Panigrahy’s 3.5-Way Cuckoo Hashing for the Price of 2-and-a-Bit

    Describes a parametrized cuckoo hashing scheme with overlapping bins. Improves likely utilization by several percent.

  • Herhily, Shavit, and Tzafrir’s Hopscotch Hashing

    Incorporates ideas from linear probing, cuckoo, and chaining techniques to avoid any of their individual pitfalls.

  • Panigrahy’s Efficient Hashing with Lookups in two Memory Accesses

    Provides a lucid graph-theoretic description of the problem of collision resolution. The solution proposed is all-theory, so don’t bother looking for a practical result therein.

  • Dietzfelbinger and Schellbach’s On Risks of Using Cuckoo Hashing with Simple Universal Hash Classes

    Discusses the unsuitability of certain linear and multiplicative hash functions for use with cuckoo hashing, using a graph theoretic argument.


After my academic explorations, I started to look for candidate data stores. In doing this, I began digging into the history of key-value stores and hash table implementations. A few things jumped out immediately:

  • Engineering effort seems to have been diverted from hash table development to distributed hash table development, in the past 5 years.
  • Dynamic hashing innovation seems to have stopped at linear and extendible hashing.
  • No benchmarks I ran into exceeded 100M insertions. In fact, this benchmark is the only one that I found that exceeded 10M insertions.

The first seems obvious given the meteoric rise in data captured from the web and the relatively fixed decrease in RAM price and increase in density. With dozens or hundreds of terabytes of “online” data, one can hardly be blamed for steering toward mid-range commodity servers en masse. However, this approach comes at a cost: coordinating and maintaining a cluster of servers is no mean feat. In fact, I consider the consensus and commitment protocols that make said coordination possible significantly more challenging to understand, let alone implement, than any of the hashing subjects mentioned above. (Just look at the Wikipedia entry for Paxos!) Similarly, hot-node issues and debugging distributed systems strike me as being an order of magnitude harder to solve than the problem of building a “better” hash table. To be clear, I’m not arguing that these two things solve the same problems. Rather, given the choice of implementing a “huge”, performant hash table in memory or the algorithms to support a clustered solution, I would choose the former.

Despite the fact that the progress of Dynamo, Cassandra, Riak, and Voldemort took most of the headlines from 2005 to 2010, work still progressed on in-memory and disk-based non-distributed hash tables like Tokyo Cabinet and Kyoto Cabinet, Redis, and even the venerable Berekely DB. (If you’re at all interested in the history of “NoSQL” data stores, you should check out this handy timeline.) That said, little in terms of novel hash table technology came from these efforts. As far as I know, BDB still uses a variant of linear hashing, Redis uses standard chaining, and Kyoto Cabinet falls back on std::unordered_map for its in-memory hash table.

This brings us to the other two points: indeed, how could traditional hash table development cease (practically) in light of the advances of DHTs? With “web-scale” data sets even a single node’s data storage needs should easily exceed anything seen 5 years prior, right? In fairness, some work has been done in the last few years to add concurrency to linear hashing as well as some work on optimizing hash table algorithms for modern cache hierarchies, but this doesn’t feel like the same kind of fundamental, basic result as, say, the introduction of extendible hashing.

I suppose the fact that there has been little visible engineering progress on this front is a testament to the quality of the existing algorithms and code. Either that or existing workloads have not yet exceeded that high watermark of 100M entries and we’re just waiting for the next jump to inspire new work in the field.

Next post: a roundup of existing candidates, benchmarks, and observations about their ease-of-use.